Our simple, straightforward API gets you up and running quickly.
Set API Keys
Try Examples
The Python SDK is registered with the PyPI index and can be installed using pip or easy_install.
Install using pip:
pip install simplifycommerce-sdk-python
Install using easy_install:
easy_install simplifycommerce-sdk-python
Alternatively the package can be documentation.sdk.pythonsdk.install.step8 documentation.sdk.pythonsdk.install.step9:
python install
The python SDK requires python 3.7
Set your API Keys
After logging into your account, your API keys can be located at: Settings -> API Keys
To set your public and private API keys do the following:
simplify.public_key = "YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY"
simplify.private_key = "YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY"
Another option is to pass the api keys as arguments to each API invocation.
Charging a card
You can charge a card in 2 ways. Once you have generated a card token using simplify.js, you can charge the card using the token. Alternatively, you can also charge a card by passing the card details.
For more information on the simplify.js go to Payments Form
import simplify
simplify.public_key = "YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY"
simplify.private_key = "YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY"
payment = simplify.Payment.create({
"token" : "f21da65e-f0ab-45cb-b8e6-40b493c3671f",
"amount" : "1000",
"description" : "prod description",
"currency" : "USD"
if payment.paymentStatus == 'APPROVED':
print("Payment approved")
import simplify
simplify.public_key = "YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY"
simplify.private_key = "YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY"
payment = simplify.Payment.create({
"card" : {
"number": "5555555555554444",
"expMonth": 11,
"expYear": 99,
"cvc": "123"
"amount" : "1000",
"description" : "prod description",
"currency" : "USD"
if payment.paymentStatus == 'APPROVED':
print("Payment approved")
For more examples see the api documentation or our tutorial