A Authorization object.
Authentication object used to access the API (See Simplify::Authentication for details)
Creates an Authorization object
parms |
a hash of parameters; valid keys are: |
amount Amount of the payment (in the smallest unit of your currency). Example: 100 = $1.00 required
card => addressCity City of the cardholder. [max length: 50, min length: 2]
card => addressCountry Country code (ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code) of residence of the cardholder. [max length: 2, min length: 2]
card => addressLine1 Address of the cardholder. [max length: 255]
card => addressLine2 Address of the cardholder if needed. [max length: 255]
card => addressState State of residence of the cardholder. State abbreviations should be used. [max length: 255]
card => addressZip Postal code of the cardholder. The postal code size is between 5 and 9 characters in length and only contains numbers or letters. [max length: 32]
card => cvc CVC security code of the card. This is the code on the back of the card. Example: 123
card => expMonth Expiration month of the card. Format is MM. Example: January = 01 [min value: 1, max value: 12]
card => expYear Expiration year of the card. Format is YY. Example: 2013 = 13 [min value: 0, max value: 99]
card => name Name as it appears on the card. [max length: 50, min length: 2]
card => number Card number as it appears on the card. [max length: 19, min length: 13]
currency Currency code (ISO-4217) for the transaction. Must match the currency associated with your account. [default: USD] required
customer ID of customer. If specified, card on file of customer will be used.
description Free form text field to be used as a description of the payment. This field is echoed back with the payment on any find or list operations. [max length: 1024]
order => commodityCode Standard classification code for products and services. [max length: 5]
order => customer ID of the customer associated with the order.
order => customerEmail Customer email address.
order => customerName Customer name.
order => customerNote Additional notes provided by the customer. [max length: 255]
order => customerReference A merchant reference for the customer.
order => items => amount Cost of the item.
order => items => description Description of the item.
order => items => name Item name.
order => items => product Product information associated with the item.
order => items => quantity Quantity of the item contained in the order [min value: 1, max value: 999999, default: 1] required
order => items => reference A merchant reference for the item. [max length: 255]
order => items => tax Taxes associated with the item.
order => merchantNote Additional notes provided by the merchant. [max length: 255]
order => payment ID of the payment associated with the order.
order => reference A merchant reference for the order. [max length: 255]
order => shippingAddress => city City, town, or municipality. [max length: 255, min length: 2]
order => shippingAddress => country 2-character country code. [max length: 2, min length: 2]
order => shippingAddress => line1 Street address. [max length: 255]
order => shippingAddress => line2 (Opt) Street address continued. [max length: 255]
order => shippingAddress => name Name of the entity being shipped to. [max length: 255]
order => shippingAddress => state State or province. [max length: 255]
order => shippingAddress => zip Postal code. [max length: 32]
order => shippingFromAddress => city City, town, or municipality. [max length: 255, min length: 2]
order => shippingFromAddress => country 2-character country code. [max length: 2, min length: 2]
order => shippingFromAddress => line1 Street address. [max length: 255]
order => shippingFromAddress => line2 (Opt) Street address continued. [max length: 255]
order => shippingFromAddress => name Name of the entity performing the shipping. [max length: 255]
order => shippingFromAddress => state State or province. [max length: 255]
order => shippingFromAddress => zip Postal code. [max length: 32]
order => shippingName Name of the entity being shipped to.
order => source Order source. [default: WEB] required
order => status Status of the order. [default: INCOMPLETE] required
reference Custom reference field to be used with outside systems.
replayId An identifier that can be sent to uniquely identify a payment request to facilitate retries due to I/O related issues. This identifier must be unique for your account (sandbox or live) across all of your payments. If supplied, we will check for a payment on your account that matches this identifier, and if one is found we will attempt to return an identical response of the original request. [max length: 50, min length: 1]
statementDescription => name Merchant name required
statementDescription => phoneNumber Merchant contact phone number.
token If specified, card associated with card token will be used. [max length: 255]
auth |
Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object. |
Returns a Authorization object.
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 118 def self.create(parms, *auth) auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth) h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("authorization", 'create', parms, auth_obj) obj = Authorization.new() obj.authentication = auth_obj obj = obj.merge!(h) obj end
Retrieve a Authorization object from the API
id |
ID of object to retrieve |
auth |
Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object. |
Returns a Authorization object.
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 160 def self.find(id, *auth) auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth) h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("authorization", 'show', {"id" => id}, auth_obj) obj = Authorization.new() obj.authentication = auth_obj obj = obj.merge!(h) obj end
Retrieve Authorization objects.
criteria |
a hash of parameters; valid keys are: |
filter <table class="filter_list"><tr><td>filter.id</td><td>Filter by the Authorization Id</td></tr><tr><td>filter.replayId</td><td>Filter by the compoundReplayId</td></tr><tr><td>filter.last4</td><td>Filter by the card number (last 4 digits)</td></tr><tr><td>filter.amount</td><td>Filter by the transaction amount (in the smallest unit of your currency)</td></tr><tr><td>filter.text</td><td>Filter by the description of the authorization</td></tr><tr><td>filter.amountMin & filter.amountMax</td><td>The filter amountMin must be used with amountMax to find authorizations with authorization values between the min and max</td></tr><tr><td>filter.dateCreatedMin<sup>*</sup></td><td>Filter by the minimum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis</td></tr><tr><td>filter.dateCreatedMax<sup>*</sup></td><td>Filter by the maximum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis</td></tr><tr><td>filter.deposit</td><td>Filter by the deposit id</td></tr><tr><td>filter.customer</td><td>Filter using the Id of the customer to find the authorizations for that customer</td></tr><tr><td>filter.status</td><td>Filter by the authorization status text</td></tr><tr><td>filter.authCode</td><td>Filter by the authorization code (Not the authorization ID)</td></tr><tr><td>filter.q</td><td>You can use this to filter by the ID, the authCode or the amount of the authorization</td></tr></table><br><sup>*</sup>Use dateCreatedMin with dateCreatedMax in the same filter if you want to search between two created dates
max Allows up to a max of 50 list items to return. [min value: 0, max value: 50, default: 20]
offset Used in pagination of the list. This is the start offset of the page. [min value: 0, default: 0]
sorting Allows for ascending or descending sorting of the list. The value maps properties to the sort direction (either asc for ascending or desc for descending). Sortable properties are: dateCreated amount id description paymentDate.
auth |
Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object. |
Returns an object where the list property contains the list of Authorization objects and the total property contains the total number of Authorization objects available for the given criteria.
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 144 def self.list(criteria = nil, *auth) auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth) h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("authorization", 'list', criteria, auth_obj) obj = Authorization.new() obj.authentication = auth_obj obj = obj.merge!(h) obj end
Delete this object
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 129 def delete() h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("authorization", 'delete', self, self.authentication) self.merge!(h) self end
Returns the private key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 50 def private_key return self.authentication.private_key end
Sets the private key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.
# File lib/simplify/authorization.rb, line 55 def private_key=(k) return self.authentication.private_key = k end
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