# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 367 def self.build_url(base_url, type, action, objectMap) parts = [] parts << base_url parts << type parts << case action when 'show', 'update', 'delete' then [URI::encode(objectMap["id"].to_s)] end url = parts.flatten().join('/') query = Array.new if action == "list" and objectMap != nil then if (objectMap['max']) query << "max=#{objectMap['max']}" end if (objectMap['offset']) query << "offset=#{objectMap['offset']}" end if (objectMap['sorting']) then objectMap['sorting'].each { |k, v| query << "sorting[#{URI::encode(k.to_s)}]=#{URI::encode(v.to_s)}" } end if (objectMap['filter']) then objectMap['filter'].each { |k, v| query << "filter[#{URI::encode(k.to_s)}]=#{URI::encode(v.to_s)}" } end end if query.size > 0 then url = url + "?" + query.join('&') end return url end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 181 def self.check_auth(auth) if auth == nil raise ArgumentError.new("Missing authentication object") end if auth.public_key == nil raise ArgumentError.new("Must have a valid public key to connect to the API") end if auth.private_key == nil raise ArgumentError.new("Must have a valid private key to connect to the API") end end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 153 def self.create_auth_object(auth) case auth.length when 0 auth_obj = Authentication.new(:public_key => Simplify::public_key, :private_key => Simplify::private_key) when 1 auth_obj = auth[0] if ! auth_obj.is_a? Authentication raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid Authentication object passed") end when 2 # Deprecated case where public and private keys are passed public_key = auth[0] if public_key == nil public_key = Simplify::public_key end private_key = auth[1] if private_key == nil private_key = Simplify::private_key end auth_obj = Authentication.new(:public_key => public_key, :private_key => private_key) else raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid authentication arguments passed") end return auth_obj end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 196 def self.execute(type, action, objectMap, auth) check_auth(auth) content_type = 'application/json' url = build_url(get_base_url(auth.public_key), type, action, objectMap) signature = jws_encode(auth, url, objectMap, action == 'update' || action == 'create') opts = case action when 'show', 'projections' then { :method => 'GET', :headers => { :authorization => "JWS #{signature}" } } when 'list' then { :method => 'GET', :headers => { :authorization => "JWS #{signature}" } } when 'update' then { :method => 'PUT', :payload => signature } when 'create' then { :method => 'POST', :payload => signature } when 'delete' then { :method => 'DELETE', :headers => { :authorization => "JWS #{signature}" } } end user_agent = "Ruby-SDK/#{Constants::version}" if Simplify::user_agent != nil user_agent = "#{user_agent} #{Simplify::user_agent}" end opts = opts.merge({ :url => url, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => user_agent }.merge(opts[:headers] || {}) }) if Simplify::request_timeout != nil opts[:timeout] = Simplify::request_timeout end if Simplify::request_options != nil opts.merge!(Simplify::request_options) end begin response = RestClient::Request.execute(opts) JSON.parse(response.body) rescue RestClient::RequestTimeout => e raise ApiException.new("request timeout", nil, nil) rescue RestClient::Exception => e begin errorData = JSON.parse(e.response.body) rescue JSON::ParserError => e2 raise ApiException.new("Unknown error", nil, nil) end if e.response.code == @@HTTP_REDIRECTED raise BadRequestException.new("Unexpected response code returned from the API, have you got the correct URL?", e.response.code, errorData) elsif e.response.code == @@HTTP_BAD_REQUEST raise BadRequestException.new("Bad request", e.response.code, errorData) elsif e.response.code == @@HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED raise AuthenticationException.new("You are not authorized to make this request. Are you using the correct API keys?", e.response.code, errorData) elsif e.response.code == @@HTTP_NOT_FOUND raise ObjectNotFoundException.new("Object not found", e.response.code, errorData) elsif e.response.code == @@HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED raise NotAllowedException.new("Operation not allowed", e.response.code, errorData) elsif e.response.code < @@HTTP_SERVER_ERROR raise BadRequestException.new("Bad request", e.response.code, errorData) else raise SystemException.new("An unexpected error has been raised. Looks like there's something wrong at our end.", e.response.code, errorData) end end end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 407 def self.get_base_url(public_key) if live_key?(public_key) return Simplify::api_base_live_url end return Simplify::api_base_sandbox_url end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 363 def self.get_oauth_error(msg, error_code, error_desc) error_data = {'error' => {'code' => 'oauth_error', 'message' => "#{msg}, error code '#{error_code}', description '#{error_desc}'"}} end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 559 def self.jws_auth_error(reason) raise AuthenticationException.new("JWS authentication failure: #{reason}", nil, nil) end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 459 def self.jws_decode(params, auth) check_auth(auth) payload = params['payload'] if payload == nil raise ArgumentError.new("Event data is missing payload") end begin payload.strip! data = payload.split('.') if data.size != 3 jws_auth_error("Incorrectly formatted JWS message"); end msg = "#{data[0]}.#{data[1]}" header = urlsafe_decode64(data[0]) payload = urlsafe_decode64(data[1]) jws_verify_header(header, params['url'], auth.public_key) if !jws_verify_signature(auth.private_key, msg, data[2]) jws_auth_error("JWS signature does not match") end return JSON.parse(payload) resue Exception => e jws_auth_error("Exception during JWS decoding: #{e}") end jws_auth_error("JWS decode failed") end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 416 def self.jws_encode(auth, url, objectMap, hasPayload) jws_hdr = {'typ' => @@JWS_TYPE, 'alg' => @@JWS_ALGORITHM, 'kid' => auth.public_key, @@JWS_HDR_URI => url, @@JWS_HDR_TIMESTAMP => Time.now.to_i * 1000, @@JWS_HDR_NONCE => SecureRandom.hex } token = auth.access_token if token != nil && !token.empty? jws_hdr[@@JWS_HDR_TOKEN] = token end hdr = urlsafe_encode64(jws_hdr.to_json) payload = '' if (hasPayload) then payload = urlsafe_encode64(objectMap.to_json) end msg = hdr + '.' + payload return msg + '.' + jws_sign(auth.private_key, msg) end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 494 def self.jws_sign(private_key, msg) urlsafe_encode64(HMAC::SHA256.digest(Base64.decode64(private_key), msg)) end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 499 def self.jws_verify_header(header, url, public_key) hdr = JSON.parse(header) if hdr.size != @@JWS_NUM_HEADERS jws_auth_error("Incorrect number of JWS header parameters - found #{hdr.size} required #{@@JWS_NUM_HEADERS}") end if hdr['alg'] != @@JWS_ALGORITHM jws_auth_error("Incorrect algorithm - found #{hdr['alg']} required #{@@JWS_ALGORITHM}") end if hdr['typ'] != @@JWS_TYPE jws_auth_error("Incorrect type - found #{hdr['typ']} required #{@@JWS_TYPE}") end if hdr['kid'] == nil jws_auth_error("Missing Key ID") end if hdr['kid'] != public_key if live_key?(public_key) jws_auth_error("Invalid Key ID") end end if hdr[@@JWS_HDR_URI] == nil jws_auth_error("Missing URI") end if url != nil && hdr[@@JWS_HDR_URI] != url jws_auth_error("Incorrect URL - found #{hdr[@@JWS_HDR_URI]} required #{url}") end if hdr[@@JWS_HDR_TIMESTAMP] == nil jws_auth_error("Missing timestamp") end if !jws_verify_timestamp(hdr[@@JWS_HDR_TIMESTAMP]) jws_auth_error("Invalid timestamp") end if hdr[@@JWS_HDR_NONCE] == nil jws_auth_error("Missing nonce") end if hdr[@@JWS_HDR_UNAME] == nil jws_auth_error("Missing username header") end end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 550 def self.jws_verify_signature(private_key, msg, crypto) return crypto == jws_sign(private_key, msg) end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 555 def self.jws_verify_timestamp(ts) return (Time.now.to_i * 1000 - ts.to_i).abs < @@JWS_TIMESTAMP_MAX_DIFF end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 563 def self.live_key?(public_key) return public_key.start_with?("lvpb") end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 442 def self.oauth_jws_encode(auth, url, props) jws_hdr = {'typ' => @@JWS_TYPE, 'alg' => @@JWS_ALGORITHM, 'kid' => auth.public_key, @@JWS_HDR_URI => url, @@JWS_HDR_TIMESTAMP => Time.now.to_i * 1000, @@JWS_HDR_NONCE => SecureRandom.hex } hdr = urlsafe_encode64(jws_hdr.to_json) msg = hdr + '.' + urlsafe_encode64(props.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join('&')) return msg + '.' + jws_sign(auth.private_key, msg) end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 286 def self.send_auth_request(props, context, auth) check_auth(auth) content_type = 'application/json' url = "#{Simplify::oauth_base_url}/#{context}" signature = oauth_jws_encode(auth, url, props) opts = { :method => 'POST', :payload => signature } user_agent = "Ruby-SDK/#{Constants::version}" if Simplify::user_agent != nil user_agent = "#{user_agent} #{Simplify::user_agent}" end opts = opts.merge({ :url => url, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => user_agent }.merge(opts[:headers] || {}) }) if Simplify::request_timeout != nil opts[:timeout] = Simplify::request_timeout end if Simplify::request_options != nil opts.merge!(Simplify::request_options) end begin response = RestClient::Request.execute(opts) JSON.parse(response.body) rescue RestClient::RequestTimeout => e raise ApiException.new("request timeout", nil, nil) rescue RestClient::Exception => e begin errorData = JSON.parse(e.response.body) rescue JSON::ParserError => e2 raise ApiException.new("Unknown error", nil, nil) end if e.response.code == @@HTTP_REDIRECTED raise BadRequestException.new("Unexpected response code returned from the API, have you got the correct URL?", e.response.code, {}) elsif e.response.code >= @@HTTP_BAD_REQUEST and e.response.code < @@HTTP_SERVER_ERROR error_code = errorData['error'] error_desc = errorData['error_description'] if (error_code == 'invalid_request') raise BadRequestException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Error during OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) elsif (error_code == 'access_denied') raise AuthenticationException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Access denied for OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) elsif (error_code == 'invalid_client') raise AuthenticationException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Invalid client ID in OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) elsif (error_code == 'unauthorized_client') raise AuthenticationException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Unauthorized client in OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) elsif (error_code == 'unsupported_grant_type') raise BadRequestException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Unsupported grant type in OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) elsif (error_code == 'invalid_scope') raise BadRequestException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Invalid scope in OAuth request", error_code, error_desc)) else raise BadRequestException.new("", e.response.code, get_oauth_error("Unknown OAuth error", error_code, error_desc)) end else raise SystemException.new("An unexpected error has been raised. Looks like there's something wrong at our end.", e.response.code, nil) end end end
# File lib/simplify/paymentsapi.rb, line 572 def self.urlsafe_decode64(s) # Put back padding case (s.size % 4) when 0 when 2 s = s + "==" when 3 s = s + "=" else raise ArgumentError.new("Webhook event data incorrectly formatted", nil, nil) end return Base64::decode64(s.gsub('-','+').gsub('_','/')) end
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