Customer Class
This is a Simplify domain object. In order to get access to a domain object, a client needs to be created. The client is then used to invoke the different methods e.g.
var client = Simplify.getClient({
client.customer.METHOD_NAME(params, function(error, data){
// handle the error
// error, handle the data
ObjectObject containing the public & private API keys
Function to create a Customer object.
ObjectA map of parameters in which to create the Customer from.
Valid parameters include:- card.addressCity : City of the cardholder. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressCountry : Country code (ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code) of residence of the cardholder. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressLine1 : Address of the cardholder (REQUIRED)
- card.addressLine2 : Address of the cardholder if needed. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressState : State of residence of the cardholder. State abbreviations should be used. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressZip : Postal code of the cardholder. The postal code size is between 5 and 9 in length and only contain numbers or letters. (REQUIRED)
- card.cvc : CVC security code of the card. This is the code on the back of the card. Example: 123 (REQUIRED)
- card.expMonth : Expiration month of the card. Format is MM. Example: January = 01 (REQUIRED)
- card.expYear : Expiration year of the card. Format is YY. Example: 2013 = 13 (REQUIRED)
- : ID of card. Unused during customer create.
- : Name as appears on the card. (REQUIRED)
- card.number : Card number as it appears on the card. [max length: 19, min length: 13]
- email : Email address of the customer (REQUIRED)
- name : Customer name [max length: 50, min length: 2] (REQUIRED)
- reference : Reference field for external applications use.
- subscriptions.amount : Amount of payment in the smallest unit of your currency. Example: 100 = $1.00
- subscriptions.billingCycle : How the plan is billed to the customer. Values must be AUTO (indefinitely until the customer cancels) or FIXED (a fixed number of billing cycles). [default: AUTO]
- subscriptions.billingCycleLimit : The number of fixed billing cycles for a plan. Only used if the billingCycle parameter is set to FIXED. Example: 4
- : Coupon associated with the subscription for the customer.
- subscriptions.currency : Currency code (ISO-4217). Must match the currency associated with your account.
- subscriptions.currentPeriodEnd : End date of subscription's current period
- subscriptions.currentPeriodStart : Start date of subscription's current period
- subscriptions.customer : The customer ID to create the subscription for. Do not supply this when creating a customer.
- subscriptions.frequency : Frequency of payment for the plan. Used in conjunction with frequencyPeriod. Valid values are "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" and "YEARLY".
- subscriptions.frequencyPeriod : Period of frequency of payment for the plan. Example: if the frequency is weekly, and periodFrequency is 2, then the subscription is billed bi-weekly.
- : Name describing subscription [max length: 50]
- subscriptions.plan : The plan ID that the subscription should be created from.
- subscriptions.quantity : Quantity of the plan for the subscription. [min value: 1]
- subscriptions.renewalReminderLeadDays : If set, how many days before the next billing cycle that a renewal reminder is sent to the customer. If null, then no emails are sent. Minimum value is 7 if set.
- subscriptions.source : Source of where subscription was created
- token : If specified, card associated with card token will be used
NOTE: Any parameters with a sub-parameter (e.g. param.subParam) need to be nested when passed as an argument in e.g.{ param: { subParam1: 'value', subParam2: 'value' } }
FunctionA function to handle success/error responses from the API.
The function takes 2 parameters, the first is an error object. This is null if no error occurs. The second parameter is the response data. This is null if an error occurs.
Function to delete a Customer object.
Objectstring ID of the Customer to delete.
FunctionA function to handle success/error responses from the API.
The function takes 2 parameters, the first is an error object. This is null if no error occurs. The second parameter is the response data. This is null if an error occurs.
Function to retrieve a Customer object from the API.
StringThe ID of the Customer to retrieve
FunctionA function to handle success/error responses from the API.
The function takes 2 parameters, the first is an error object. This is null if no error occurs. The second parameter is the response data. This is null if an error occurs.
Function to retrieve a list Customer objects.
ObjectA map of parameters in which to define the Customer list from.
Valid parameters include:- filter : Filter by the customer Id filter.text Can use this to filter by the name, email or reference for the customer filter.dateCreatedMin Filter by the minimum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis filter.dateCreatedMax Filter by the maximum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis
*Use dateCreatedMin with dateCreatedMax in the same filter if you want to search between two created dates - max : Allows up to a max of 50 list items to return. [min value: 0, max value: 50, default: 20]
- offset : Used in paging of the list. This is the start offset of the page. [min value: 0, default: 0]
- sorting : Allows for ascending or descending sorting of the list. The value maps properties to the sort direction (either 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending).
Sortable properties are:- dateCreated
- id
- name
- reference
NOTE: Any parameters with a sub-parameter (e.g. param.subParam) need to be nested when passed as an argument in e.g.{ param: { subParam1: 'value', subParam2: 'value' } }
- filter :
FunctionA function to handle success/error responses from the API.
The function takes 2 parameters, the first is an error object. This is null if no error occurs. The second parameter is the response data. This is null if an error occurs.
Function to update a Customer object.
ObjectA map of parameters on which to update the Customer object.
Valid parameters include:- id : A string ID of the Customer object to update
- card.addressCity : City of the cardholder. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressCountry : Country code (ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code) of residence of the cardholder. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressLine1 : Address of the cardholder. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressLine2 : Address of the cardholder if needed. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressState : State of residence of the cardholder. State abbreviations should be used. (REQUIRED)
- card.addressZip : Postal code of the cardholder. The postal code size is between 5 and 9 in length and only contain numbers or letters. (REQUIRED)
- card.cvc : CVC security code of the card. This is the code on the back of the card. Example: 123 (REQUIRED)
- card.expMonth : Expiration month of the card. Format is MM. Example: January = 01 (REQUIRED)
- card.expYear : Expiration year of the card. Format is YY. Example: 2013 = 13 (REQUIRED)
- : ID of card. If present, card details for the customer will not be updated. If not present, the customer will be updated with the supplied card details.
- : Name as appears on the card. (REQUIRED)
- card.number : Card number as it appears on the card. [max length: 19, min length: 13]
- email : Email address of the customer (REQUIRED)
- name : Customer name [max length: 50, min length: 2] (REQUIRED)
- reference : Reference field for external applications use.
- token : If specified, card associated with card token will be added to the customer
NOTE: Any parameters with a sub-parameter (e.g. param.subParam) need to be nested when passed as an argument in e.g.{ param: { subParam1: 'value', subParam2: 'value' } }
FunctionA function to handle success/error responses from the API.
The function takes 2 parameters, the first is an error object. This is null if no error occurs. The second parameter is the response data. This is null if an error occurs.